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Frequently asked questions

Can I try it for free?

Yes, we give you 100 free credits once you create an account.

What is a credit?

A credit is a search inside the tool. Every time you do a search, a credit is deducted from your account. We don't charge for repeated leads you searched within the actual month.

If you don't find the email I'm requesting, will it count?

Nope! We count only successful email founds, so you won't ever pay if you don't get results!

Can I cancel anytime?

Sure you can! No questions asked, no strings attached. Plans are running until the end of the month you paid for.

Can I search people in bulk?

Yes, you can upload .csv files up to thousands of lines! The file is treated asynchronously and you will receive your leads in real time!

Do you store my data?

The lists are automatically deleted after 30 days after verification to ensure the highest privacy standards for our users. You will always have control over your data and be able to delete it at any time permanently.

I have more questions.

You can chat with us via the live chat bubble at the bottom right hand corner, or drop us an email at [email protected]

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to get 100 credits for free helps professionals find verified B2B emails and connect with decision-makers that matter to your business.

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